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Continuing to Pay It Forward Everyday

Jeremy Cares

Hannah Miller

Renewal Survivor

$1000 Winner

Hannah Miller, an old friend of Jeremy Cares, has done it again and floored us with her progress. Hannah is a 6th time scholarship winner who is currently in the last half of her second year of medical school at Ohio University HCOM.

" In school right now, I am studying for both my curriculum and actual medical school courses while preparing for my medical board exams coming up this summer. These boards are a huge deal because they determine what kind of doctor I can become! With that being said, I am working extra hard to make sure I can reach my goal of becoming a pediatric oncologist and also be sure to make all of my supporters proud. In addition to this, I am preparing to come back to Northern Ohio for my third and fourth years of medical school! I was placed in Sandusky, Ohio at Firelands Regional Medical Center (which is only ten minutes away from my hometown) for my clinical rotation years and I will be moving back near the end of June.

I have been able to pay forward the amazing care I received as a patient and also as a survivor in many ways. First, towards the end of last December, I became a Make-A-Wish wish granter. The purpose of this role is to meet with families of children with life-threatening diagnoses and help determine what their biggest wish is! I have not yet met with a wish family, but I plan to take a more active role when I move towards Cleveland where there are more patients. However, I was able to hold another MAW Training in order to help more medical students become wish granters about two weeks ago. I love being able to pay forward all of the amazing things Make-A-Wish has done for my family and to have the opportunity to help more children who deserve the world.

Another way I have been able to pay it forward is by continuing the Chemo Care Package Campaign with my sister. We held the fundraiser for donations in several places this year including Huron City Schools, OU-HCOM, and the Huron community. In December, we donated enough care packages to cover all inpatient and outpatient pediatric cancer patients at both Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital and Cleveland Clinic Children’s! To date, we have donated over 450 care packages to children in Cleveland with cancer and we cannot wait to continue this project moving forward.

Lastly, I have been able to pay it forward by sharing my story. Yesterday, I had the honor of participating in an event at my medical school called “Behind the White Coat”, where the purpose was to share our stories of how we found our passion in medicine and became the person we are today. I was able to speak about my pediatric oncologists and nurses and how they have impacted my life forever. I also was able to speak about my experience as a cancer patient and now as a cancer survivor on my way to becoming a cancer doctor. It was an absolutely amazing experience paying tribute to some of my biggest heroes who helped save my life and also to share my unique story. When I receive the video of my speech, I will forward it to Jeremy Cares!

To end, I just want to say thank you all so much for supporting me and believing in me for the last five years. You have paved a way for me to be successful by funding my education and by continually motivating me to work hard. I believe that this year will be my last year applying for Jeremy Cares as I graduate in 2022 and the scholarship requirements state that you need more than one year of school left to be eligible. I am eternally grateful for all you have done for me and I cannot wait to make you proud as future Dr. Hannah Miller, DO. "

Hannah words can not express how proud we are of you. We can not wait to hear from you soon!!



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