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Being Willing to Sacrifice Many Things That I Find Much Value in

Jeremy Cares

Emily Zichi

Sibling Renewal

$1000 Winner

No strange to us, please say hello to Emily Zichi. Emily is a 5th time winner who is studying early Childhood/Special Education at Cedarville University. While attending college Emily keeps herself very busy. Some of her activities include Sanctify Ministries (A ministry at Cedarville that focuses on holistic purity and creates events for women both on and off of Cedarville's campus.), intramural tennis and volleyball, she is employed at Rinnova (Cedarville University's campus coffee shop) as well as at Young Explorers Montessori School in Avon. While doing all of this is has also maintained her status on the Dean’s List and continues as the student Co-founder of Emily's Hopeful Holiday foundation.

Emily shared with us what she would need if stranded. “The thought of being stranded has never crossed my mind, however, I found this question to be very thought-provoking. I began by listing many essential things that I would need in order to not only survive but thrive. I found it difficult to narrow my choices down to only three, but I am confident that the three things I have chosen would be most beneficial to my success for survival.

I know that in order to survive a situation where I am stranded, my physical body would require nourishment. This is something that is not a choice or option and must be the number one priority. Because of this, one of my items would be a fire starter. Without a fire, I would not be able to safely eat or drink. A fire would also provide my light, my warmth, and keep predators away. With this one simple resource, I would be able to obtain many benefits that are not only life-saving but physically, mentally, and emotionally comforting as well.

The second item that I have chosen to take with me would be my Bible. Without my Bible, I would not be the person that I am today. Though it is often merely viewed as an ancient piece of literature without sufficient value or capability, this is the story and book that has changed my life and continually does. I believe that this would be especially important in the midst of being in many challenging circumstances. The scriptures are what keep me encouraged, filled with truth, and remind me what my perspective should look like while enduring both suffering and joy.

Lastly, I would bring someone who is much more knowledgeable than myself who could teach me, assist me, and partner with me on my survival. I must recognize my weaknesses in this area admitting that, while I have many gifts, being stranded alone is not one of them. I need to humbly acknowledge that I cannot fully depend on my own ability in this situation, but I am willing to learn from and work with someone who is. This person would also be a great source of companionship which is also necessary in order to be mentally stable in a dire situation like

being stranded as we work together with a common goal in our survival. I understand that in all situations it is ultimately up to me to have my own knowledge, wisdom, courage, and ingenuity to establish plans and strategies on how to accomplish my goals. But, I must also know my weaknesses and when I need additional help and guidance and have the humility to allow others to teach me in areas I am lacking in. I believe that is the most important sign of wisdom is knowing when and deciding to ask others for help when we are not capable of completing the task at hand alone.

While I certainly hope I am never in a situation where I am stranded, I would be comforted to know that I have these three choices assisting me in my survival. Compiling a thorough and concise list of what I would choose to bring alongside me in the midst of being stranded was difficult. Attempting to narrow down three of the most important things I would bring required me to be intentional and willing to sacrifice many things that I find much value in. With that being said, I believe that the items that I have chosen would help me successfully survive with confidence. “

Emily you will certainly more than survive! Continue doing what you are doing! Good Luck!



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